A while back I posted about being a feature writer for Xomba.com. At the time, I had just submitted my first article and was waiting to see how things went.

My first feature article, European Travel On A Budget, is now posted on the website, and as promised, I promptly received payment when it was posted on the website.

I haven't made a whole lot of regular submissions to Xomba, but I have enjoyed submitting what they call Xomblurbs, which are similar to a blog post or a brief description of an interesting news item, website or other unique item on the net. On those type of posts, as well as article submissions, Xomba pays by splitting Adsense revenue 50/50.

To be honest, I haven't focused much on keywords or promotion of my Xomblurbs, but I have still earned a small amount of adsense revenue. I've also had some traffic arrive at this blog from Xomba. Because the Xomblurbs are so short, easy and fun, I would recommend trying them out, especially since you can use them to promote articles on other sites, as long as they are truly interesting. They're also an easy "warm-up" when you're not in the mood for writing, but really need to do it anyway, or a simple thing to do at the end of the day when your brain has decided it's quitting time.

I don't think Xomba is yet a place to include as part of your regular income, but it is another good place to release some creative energy and earn a little coffee money (or soda money in my case).

You can check it out at www.xomba.com

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