Just a quick follow-up to my post about Writers Who Are Also Photographers.

As I was processing my pictures this morning, I realized that I forgot to mention the importance of keeping some stock pictures on hand. If you're going to take the time to learn a little about photography and submit photos with your articles, you may as well start carrying the camera with you and take shots of different events, especially things that occur only occasionally or seasonally.

For example, I took a slew of fireworks photos last night. I really only need one, but I was already there, had the camera set up, and having a bunch to choose from may come in handy when I need a fireworks shot and there are no fireworks. I do the same for other events and activities. I always try and keep some seasonal photos on hand too, such as the leaves changing color in fall, and flowers poking through the snow in early spring.

Although I'm sure there are some that will remain unused, I've used many of these "stock" photos to supplement articles, and it's been worth the time to take them. Just remember if there are people in your photos who are recognizable to get them to sign a photo release so you can use the image commercially. (You can find a sample photo release form just by searching the term "photo release form".)

I'd encourage freelance writers to try and keep some photos on hand the same way they keep a notebook of story ideas on hand.

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  1. smbwallace July 5, 2008 at 10:26 AM  

    Beautiful photo, wonderful idea. I can't tell you how many times I've used my "stock" or "file" photos. I take pictures of my kids at different places in the area and have ended up using a lot of them to accompany stories, although that was not the original intent!

  2. Tammy July 5, 2008 at 10:47 AM  


    That's sort of how I started stockpiling photos too. I was snapping them for myself when we went somewhere and then would end up using them with a story. I still take pictures for myself, but now I find myself taking lots of pictures with the intent of squirreling them away until they're needed. :)

  3. Fiona July 6, 2008 at 5:26 PM  

    Great idea. I love taking photos so this would definitely be a good habit for me to get into.