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SearlesMedia is starting a new blog on travel bargains. In addition to posting on great travel deals, the bloggers will assist readers in making their travel plans. For example, a reader may email that they are traveling to Los Angeles for a week in July, and the blogger would research the trip, based on the reader's requirements, to find the best deals for that trip.

Blogging experience is a big plus, but really I am looking for someone with great writing and research skills who can not only find great travel deals, but write about them with flair.

There will be a maximum number of posts assigned each week, and as the blog readership grows that number will increase.

Starting pay is $7 per post, and will increase as the blog grows.

The chosen blogger will also assist in promoting the blog by posting on various forums, classifieds and websites. Compensation for this will vary, depending on the promotion required.

Send a brief writing sample and a short, friendly note about why you would be the best blogger for the job, along with links to any blogs or blog posts, to writersresources.blogspot at
Do not include any attachments. They will not be opened.

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