I like to think that I'm fairly competent when it comes to technology and the internet. I try to keep up with the latest and greatest, but I have to admit that I've never quite grasped the concept of sites like Hubpages and Squidoo. As a result, I didn't sign up for either of them, even when "everyone else was doing it."

Now, everything I read about promotion, such as promoting your freelance writing, promoting your online articles and even promoting your blog, suggests sites like Hubpages. So one evening I decided to sign up and see if I could "get" the concept, and if it would prove to be a valuable tool.

To be honest, the jury's still out. If my tracking is working, I'm not getting a lot of hits on my single submission there. Although I'm sure I need to submit many more to get an accurate picture. I've gained a few "fans," although I have no idea how, and it is fun to watch the score of the article go up.

I suppose to get more "fans" and therefore more hits, I need to go around and become a fan of lots of other people, then we all click on each others stuff to get more hits. -- Is that really the concept?

Like I said, the jury's still out. I want my writing, even if it's something silly or just promotional, to be of some value, and not get clicks just for "fans" helping each other out.

If I'm misunderstanding the concept, someone please set me straight.

I'll probably mess around with my Hubpages account a little bit to see what happens, but I still don't see this as the great opportunity that it's promoted as.

My personal recommendation would be to spend your time on either paid jobs or other sites for your "fun" work. I could be wrong though. I'll update as I experiment some more.

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