Demand Studios has been hiring freelance writers for a while now. I applied some time last year, but never heard back. I decided to apply again the other day and was accepted right away (I'll be posting tips on updating your resume and how to get an employers attention very soon.).

As a freelance writing job, this is a pretty decent one. The pay isn't high, but the work is easy and you can choose from a whole lot of topics. You can also submit up to 10 articles at a time, meaning the potential to make $100-$150 in an afternoon of intense writing is there. (Depending on how fast you can write, and how well you know the subjects you choose.)

The application process is simple and painless. Once approved, Demand Studios assigns a site that you will write for, and right now it seems that eHow is the most assigned one. I got assigned to write articles for eHow at a rate of $15 per article. (I understand that some people are starting out at $10. I think it helps if you already have an eHow profile with at least a few good articles under your belt.)

After logging in, you simply find the list of assignments and choose which ones you want to write. As a freelance writer, this is an ideal job. I love being able to choose what I write. And, as I said earlier, they provide a template of "steps' for your article, so it's super-easy to write. I can crank out an article in about 20 minutes if I'm already familiar with the topic. This means I could write all 10 articles in an afternoon if I wanted, and a week or two later have $150 for my effort.

While there are lots of high paying freelance writing jobs out there, and no need to write for $15 an article if you can land those gigs, I still recommend Demand Studios for the flexibility -- Write when you want and choose what you want to write about.

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