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Don't forget to scroll down for even more job listings. I hope you're having a great day and scoring some great writing jobs!

Real estate writer for

Education editor

Home contractor blogger

Virtual world blogger

Writer resume cover letters

Home improvement bloggers

SEO content writers

Video game reviewers

Technical writer

Poetry editor

Write speeches

Celeb gossip stories

Assist in writing screenplays

World of Warcraft writer

Temp blogger to hype product

Golf blogger

Entertainment blogger

Writers for middle school publications

Educational writer

Religious writer

Medical writer

Opinion writer (non-paying, but good networking possiblity -- As a general rule, I've decided not to post non-paying jobs on this blog, but every good rule has exceptions.)

Short horror film writers

Female writers for fitness book

Hair or beauty writer with existing blog or website

Script writer with knowledge of barber industry

SEO writer

Write short scripts

Edit articles

Fantasy sports writer

Food writers

Short (very short) story writers needed

Write about Washington state

Mortgage/financial writer

Mobile phone copy writer

Ghostwriter for blog

Bloggers on lots of topics

Call for environmental stories

Copy writing on variety of topics

Catalog description writing

Write a single ad (wants it done today)

HR, sales and IT articles

SEO writer on personal hair removal

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