I've been pondering how to gather together all the resources I know of in a usable, meaningful way. I'm going to post a big list of all the sites, without comments or reviews, so that they're available to you. I will then continue to post information about the sites I've found most useful.

I hope this list is as useful for you as it has been for me. If you have suggestions for a better way to display or organize, feel free to let me know! Also, if you know a great site that I've missed, please let me know so I can include it.

As always, remember to use common sense and caution when applying for any job or signing up at any website. I have not checked all of these sites out.

--- List under construction ---
(It's going to take me a few days to get the entire list together, so please be patient.)

Best site for writers: Writer's Market

Sites that list freelance writing jobs:

Pay per click submission sites:

Bid for jobs sites:

Sites that offer assignments:

Post your articles for sale:
Other sites for earning money:

Honing your craft:

Writing information:

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