Several years ago I came across this free online Writer's Workbench class from NewsU. Even with many years of experience in all types of writing, I found this quick class very useful. It provided a few good reminders and even a few new things I hadn't thought about.

Registration at NewsU is required, but it's free and the Writer's Workbench tutorial (along with many other classes) are free. Most are geared toward print journalists, but there's still some great writing resources there. I recommend many of them for freelance writers, or anyone who does any writing at all.

I'm going to go through the Writer's Workbench class again. I'm sure there's some tips I've forgotten and some things I could brush up on. I hope some of you will go through it with me to. Feel free to share any comments on the class. I think it's a really great online resource for anyone who writes.

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