I learned about Constant Content several months ago, but haven't tried it out yet. It is free to sign up. You post articles for sale, they do the advertising, and webmasters purchase articles. Authors don't pay anything unless they sell an article, then Constant Content keeps a percentage of the sale.

I'm normally a little leery of this type of site, but a freelancer I know has been doing fairly well there. Three things that might be helping it to work is that there's not a glut of poor quality writing, all articles are reviewed for quality before being posted for sale on the site, and webmasters can request content on specific topics. One recent request is for articles for an online Christian magazine, that pays $100-$130 per article.

I signed up and am going to give it a try. I won't put a whole lot of time into it, as I'd rather write articles that I know will be published, but it may be a good outlet for those articles I'd love to write but don't have a client waiting for them.

Check it out! Constant Content

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